Slow as Molasses


Slow as molasses

Slow as molasses. As crystallized honey through a tea strainer. Slow to get started, slow to move, slow to keep going or going to the right place.

My body slow. My head slow. My emotions slow. Not as in laid-back, slowing down or “Slow Life”, but slow as in dull, drowsy, heavy, sluggish, blah and out of it. A lack of energy, as blood sugar levels get low.

Welcome to Type 2 Diabetes.
My low sugar making me feel as … molasses, or that thick crystallized honey. Standing knee deep in a river, dying of thirst.

Talking about thirst, that’s what kicks in when blood sugar levels get too high. Body on high, running going nowhere. Head on high, starting and not finishing jobs. Emotions on high, playing roller coaster.

I remember working with my doctor to get my glucose levels more balanced throughout the day. Small pills, larger pills, more pills, insulin shots in the evening, then before the meals. It worked! It worked so well, that I blamed her for not having started me on insulin sooner; it worked so well, that I kept asking for more – until the doctor wasn’t all that enthusiastic any longer.  
And my own enthusiasm faded too. Medication was cumbersome on several levels and caused additional issues as side effects started to develop. And then the realization that this was a one-way street to bad, worse and the worst.

But one day I heard about the detour: making the U-turn to get out of this downward spiral by making some simple yet powerful changes. Instead of regulating blood sugar levels with medication, there were things I, myself, could do to bring balance. Simple steps, doable steps, even for me.
Ever since, I am no longer slow as molasses and no longer experiencing these up-and-down blood sugar levels. No longer on insulin and no longer on other Diabetes medication. Stable and energetic.

Curious? Send me an email at and I will gladly answer your questions.

Healthily yours,



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