The Guest Blog
Healthily yours,
"Hi Evelien,
This is to invite you to contribute a guest blog for publication in the Healthie Yoo magazine".
This is to invite you to contribute a guest blog for publication in the Healthie Yoo magazine".
And so it started. Sharing my story of reversing type 2 Diabetes to a larger audience. Sharing my passion for the often forgotten group of missionaries and other global workers with type 2 Diabetes who keep helping others and keeping their mission alive while neglecting to take care of their physical needs so they can actually keep doing what they do so well.
Trying to reach "member care" groups, who will faithfully take up another offering or fundraiser to fly yet another missionary "back home" to be cared for - rather then helping that same missionary stay physically well right where he/she is and with whatever circumstances that may be.
Just do the math: keeping a missionary healthy on the field, is less expensive than paying the regular shuttle service to the "back home" medical care - plus the costs of that same care.
It is the same mathematics some insurance companies now use to start covering lifestyle interventions: keep people alive and well, and you'll have to disburse fewer medical expenses on them.
So let's start a movement here: encourage, enable and help your missionaries live healthier lives RIGHT ON THE MISSION FIELD, rather than waiting for them to be completely running on empty, sick and miserable and then oh so lovingly (but a tad late...) taking care of them where YOU are, absorbing funds and energy that could have been used on the mission they were trying to live out.
Here's the #HealthieYoo blog:
Here's the #HealthieYoo blog:
Healthily yours,
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