What's in a Name?

What’s in a Name? - part 1

People often assume I am on a “Keto diet”. As much as they assume knowing what all that entails.
Well, I am not on a diet, and do not follow the “Keto” rules, but at the same time I’ve learned that the easiest way to prevent a lengthy conversation is to simply nod “yeah” on the “you’re doing Keto, right?” remark and be over with it. Because in case someone is really interested, a whole series of questions will follow. And then you get me started because it’s worth the talking when ears are open wide.

So what do I do? I follow the pillars of the Dutch “Reverse Diabetes 2 Now” program:
·      *   Nutrition
·      *  Exercise
·      * Sleep
·      * Relaxation
·      * Medication decrease
It is this cocktail that has brought me where I am today, and which I will be teaching. Not just a diet, as nutrition is only one part of the process and what we do is supposed to be a lifestyle. Let that sink in: a lifelong commitment. For the rest of your life, eat differently from what you’ve taken so far, and perhaps different from what your family and/or friends are eating (not to mention their opinions).
Do you know anyone getting sober or quitting smoking? Some will take the drastic step of going cold turkey and dive right in, where others prefer weaning off during a process of weeks, months or even longer. Take heart, you will have both options as well for your adaptation to this new lifestyle. You may ease into this “for the rest of your life” habit and take all the time you need. Isn’t that comforting?



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